Monday, July 26, 2010

[6 months]

I know Mom's kinda late on the blog but I was 6 months old at the beginning of July. and here are my stats.
Weight-22 lbs
Height-28 in
Head- I don't remember :)
I crawl EVERYWHERE and I am always busy
I say Mama, Dada, Yum, and some other word that sounds like "ball"
I try to stand up on everything, but I fall a lot because I don't have good balance!
I'm really not into baby food anymore but I won't take a sippy.
I love pickles, blueberry bagels, popsicles, ice cream, and cocoa wheats!
I have 4 teeth now. 2 on top, 2 on bottom.
~This past weekend Nana Lisa got a hotel room in Bismarck, so Mommy, Daddy and me went swimming! It was the first time I've ever went and I loved it! I just floated around and watched all the crazy kids.

Then we went to the playpark in the mall! I had so much fun playing and crawling around on the cool carpet!

Thursday, July 8, 2010


This is Kaity today, and I just have a blog to share with you guys, I burst into tears when I read this woman's blog because of her story. Even though I don't know them, it still hits your heart. Her and her husband went through lots of infertility treatments and finally got pregnant. Then they found out that their baby had a rare heart defect and they were told that it wasn't good. Their son was born on June 7th and died June 18th. I encourage you to go read the blog, it is really SAD because she does add some pictures that aren't very pretty but it makes you SO GRATEFUL for having healthy children. So just put this couple in your prayers that they can get through this hard time!